durable design furnitureSustainable furniture: a commitment that goes beyond trends

Sustainability is not just a concept, it is the core around which all our creations revolve. For us at Riva 1920, eco-sustainable design goes beyond a mere trend to become a fundamental mission, a constant commitment that is renewed day after day in our artisan workshops. For us, sustainable furniture is an indispensable value, a practice that we refine with dedication and passion, placing it at the heart of each of our creations. From the production of solid wood furniture to the creation of design objects, sustainability is not a detail, but the essence of our work.


The essence of eco-friendly style

eco-friendly style

The eco-friendly approach, which holistically integrates sustainability and respect for the environment into every aspect of lifestyle, has profoundly influenced not only our daily choices, but also the design and organization of our homes. This philosophy manifests itself in a preference for high-quality furniture made with sustainable materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. It is a trend that sees our homes becoming a reflection of the harmony and beauty of nature, with an increasing focus on designs that combine aesthetics and environmental responsibility. This approach is not limited to simply choosing eco-friendly furniture, but extends to all aspects of living, creating environments where nature and sustainability coexist in perfect synergy.


Durable design: creating value and beauty for future generations

durable designModern design must transcend the ephemeral nature of fashion and reorient itself towards durability and timelessness. It is essential to re-educate consumers to recognize the intrinsic value and quality of objects and to promote a culture that moves away from the unsustainability of disposability. A durable design element is not just a product, but a testament to value and responsibility over time. We, as artisans and designers, accept the burden and honor of leading this transformation: it is an ethical imperative for us to design products that will be passed down to future generations, that are not mere fashion items destined for rapid obsolescence.

This is why we chose solid wood as our material of choice: not only do we use only reforested or reused trees, but the natural inherent strength and beauty of solid wood embodies the principle of durability in an exemplary way. This durable and characterful material not only ensures the longevity of our products, but also brings with it a timeless aesthetic that enriches and evolves over the years.


Our eco-friendly design products

We produce not only solid wood furniture, but also real design products, which also follow a sustainable production process with full respect for the environment and the people who live in it. Each product is the result of a fusion of aesthetics, durability and respect for the environment. Our creations are real design pieces in natural wood, born from the collaboration with renowned international design names. We recover the wood of Briccole, disused oak poles from the Venice lagoon, and give them a new life. These unique creations enhance design excellence in timeless sculptures shaped by nature itself.

Explore our collections and embrace the philosophy of sustainable furniture!

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