The natural material that gives authenticity and character to spaces

Solid wood table and chairsSolid wood is a timeless material that has always fascinated with its natural beauty and exceptional durability. This precious material brings to life furniture of excellent quality, giving a timeless elegance and unmistakable character to living environments. The production of solid wood furniture has always been at the heart of our brand. Thanks to the unique texture and warm essence of solid wood, each piece of furniture becomes a work of art that speaks of our deep roots in tradition and the authenticity of our products.

What is solid wood?

Wallstreet solid wood bookcaseSolid wood is a material derived from a single piece of wood, often cut into boards or panels, that retains its original structural integrity and should not contain any reassembled or glued pieces of wood. In other words, solid wood is made of solid wood. It is widely used in the production of high quality furniture and handicrafts due to its outstanding durability and inherent beauty resulting from its homogeneous structure and authentic appearance.

Solid wood differs significantly from other wood-based materials such as composite or laminated wood, particleboard and fiberboard, which are typically composed of layers or chips of wood that are pressed and glued together.
What sets solid wood apart is not only its exceptional strength compared to these materials, but also its superior quality, unparalleled durability and natural beauty that cannot be replicated.

Difference between massive wood and solid wood

The terms “solid wood” and “massive wood” are often confused, but they refer to two different products. Both come from a single piece of wood and produce unique boards. However, the difference lies in the part of the tree used: solid wood uses only the heartwood, the innermost, darkest part of the trunk, while sawn timber includes both the heartwood and the sapwood, the part immediately below the bark. This distinction is not always obvious, and in some situations the term “solid” is used to emphasize the strength and density of the wood rather than to indicate a specific type of wood.

Why use solid wood?

There are many reasons to prefer solid wood when creating furniture and decorating interiors:

  • It offers a natural beauty with a timeless design that works well with any style of furniture, from classic to modern. Its natural grain, color and texture add warmth and authenticity to any room.
  • It is a sustainable choice with a reduced environmental impact, in line with our commitment to environmentally sustainable design. When sourced from responsibly managed forests and sustainable sources, solid wood has a lower overall impact than other alternative materials.
  • It has durability that spans generations: solid wood furniture can stand the test of time and become a true family heirloom.
  • It has excellent strength and solidity: it is highly resistant to everyday shocks and stresses, ensuring that even the most heavily used furniture over the years, such as wooden tables, remain in excellent condition.
  • It adds elegance and character to rooms: solid wood adds a touch of sophistication and a unique personality to rooms, transforming them into authentic and welcoming spaces. Furniture such as wardrobes, storage units or bookshelves made of solid wood add class and sophistication to any room.
  • It allows for craftsmanship and customization: solid wood is ductile and easy to work. This is why we at Riva 1920 have chosen to use only solid wood: craftsmanship is a core value of our production and we strive to give life to unique and personalized pieces that stand out for their authenticity.

Solid Wood WardrobeEvery product in our collection is made from solid wood, and many parts of our furniture are made from blockboard or plywood and veneered with solid wood. There are several reasons for this choice, including the strength and stability of the product to prevent warping and unwanted movement. In addition, the drawers and doors of our wood wardrobes have fronts with solid wood inserts around the perimeter.

If you would like to learn more about the solid wood used in the creation of our products or would like more information about Riva 1920, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you and share our passion for handcrafted solid wood.

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