Francesco Manfredi e Tommaso Lorenzini

Francesco Manfredi and Tommaso Lorenzini were born in Como in 1996.

They studied Transportation Design and graduated together at the IED, Istituto Europeo di Design in Turin. Their studies focused on design for the automotive industry, and they had the privilege of learning from the masters of the sector.

Through their work, they specialised in applied design for the yachting industry. They have collaborated and continue to develop projects with Italian and international yacht design studios and shipyards to create innovative boats.

Also working in the furniture sector, they developed valuable skills and knowledge from master craftsmen, refining their ability to skilfully blend traditional craftsmanship with their innovative vision.

Today they work in their atelier on Lake Como where they create their collectible design line Dalmoto, establishing collaborations with international galleries. For the designers, furniture is not just an occupation, but rather a means of artistic expression through which they communicate their vision. Their distinctive style is shaped by influences derived from their background and ethics, and results in unique and attractive creations.

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